Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Cool abstract art project using data from Unreal Tournament, by Alison Mealey. Very interesting. Kind of in the same vein as QQQ.

Oh yeah. And war on Christmas my ass. Seriously. This holiday positively permeates the cultural landscape in America. Go anywhere in the next month in a public or semi-public space, and you will have a very good chance of hearing a Christmas song, or see some form of Christmas decoration. I'm very tired of hearing that same old song and dance and sad rhetoric from the right-wing. Christmas is not threatened. Oh yeah. And Bill O'Reily and his ilk are exactly the type of tards I'm talking about here. Saying 'Happy Holidays' is a polite and nice thing to say. Not a bold endorsement of Sodomites and child rapists. Idiots.


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