Saturday, March 17, 2007

So today a TON of the Schneider relatives from the wife's side of the family came to town, and we had lunch, and then we went over to Andy and Linda's for dinner (one of my wife's cousins) where there were even MORE Schneider relatives. My wife has a megabig family. Anyway, it was really too much for the boy. Too much noise. He started to freak.

And unfortunately, it seems Beth is getting sick too. So I sent her to bed with some Theraflu that her mom went and got us, and I'm taking care of the boy tonight.

Which is nice. Even if I have to get up 3 or 4 times tonight. It's funny how he's turning into a little person, obviously with a will of his own.


Blogger Unknown said...

There's actually a school of thought that colic can be caused by overstimulation while the little ones are getting their nervous systems all straightened out. A friend of mine kept her daughter out of the limelight except for limited ocassions until she was past 6 months old and that seemed to help her a great deal. *shrug* Not sure what the answer is, but it sounds like he definitely likes being a home body at this point!

2:46 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

I think it also has to do with familiar vs. unfamiliar environments. We went over to his aunt's house for lunch today, and there were even more relatives there, and he was mostly ok with it. He's used to his aunt's house.

3:33 PM  
Blogger munkee girl said...

That's right, 'cause Jack's my lil buddy. And Sophia's best friend. Or at least he will be in the future, when she decides to stop trying to kick him in fits of jealous rage. ;)

11:15 AM  

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