Friday, June 17, 2005

I laughed for a long time.
I've only listened to one song, Sakai, so far, but if it's any indication (it had me dancing in my seat and bobbing my head up and down), William Fields' album Branches will be megacool. Mr. Fields also has a blog. Music worth listening to. If you like Aphex Twin or Autechre, I bet you'll like Sakai.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

So, went to a wedding last weekend, which was nice. Melanie LaChance got married. Melanie is the little sister of Jason, my first roomie in college. Despite it being an afternoon wedding, and an outdoor wedding, it wasn't all THAT hot. The reason is that it was on the campus at the U of A, on the front lawn right in front of Old Main. So when the sun was setting, Old Main was helpfully shading us all.

The bride was beautiful, of course. And it was really good to see Jason and his girlfriend JoAnn, even if only briefly. They're both wonderful people, and my wife and I really wish they lived closer.

Speaking of the wife, our anniversary is next weekend, and we're going to Kansas City again. We're staying in the Quarterage in Westport. It should be quite fun.

I've been crazy busy with work, but I have been writing some ambient music lately, working on that EP I've been going on about. Basically, inspired by the whole 9 Beet Stretch thing, I've been writing/composing/performing my own string arrangements, then timestretching the string arrangements until they glide by glacially, then processing them until they're drifting ambient washes of sound. Real composition with the resulting sounds will hopefully commence tomorrow night.