Via Boingboing, is this story about this dude who modifies the game Quake III to output interactive, abstract visual art. The pictures are glitchy and stunning. Totally cool. Seriously, once I finally make a CD, I want some art like this on the cover. Abstract, glitchy and almost organic.
Made curry for Will today, and then ran a game of D&D. Fun as always. Also worked on a few tracks. Slow going, but I think I'm close on three of them. Can't quite get the guitar textures for Sleeper Service quite shoegazer enough. Anyone want to channel the spirit of My Bloody Valentine and give me a hint about what I should do? I've got phasers. I've got mega distortion. I've even got reverbs and delays. Flangers, yep. Got em. But I'm missing something. Maybe I just need more layers.
Made curry for Will today, and then ran a game of D&D. Fun as always. Also worked on a few tracks. Slow going, but I think I'm close on three of them. Can't quite get the guitar textures for Sleeper Service quite shoegazer enough. Anyone want to channel the spirit of My Bloody Valentine and give me a hint about what I should do? I've got phasers. I've got mega distortion. I've even got reverbs and delays. Flangers, yep. Got em. But I'm missing something. Maybe I just need more layers.