Thursday, August 24, 2006

So, the Free Weekly has a coverpage article about what was until recently Cloudwave Network, but what Steven and Allen seem intent on calling Output now (even though I really like the Cloudwave Network name, but I see their point about the event being separate from the collective; I disagree, but I see their point). At any rate, our new show is coming up. Also, I'm intent on posting two new mp3s on my myspace page on Monday. So watch out for that.

Also, tomorrow is my birthday.

Here's the flyer.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Thanks to Nick, there is a good chance that my PC will be fully alive tomorrow. It's working now, I just need to call Microsoft to get my copy of Windows activated again. So hopefully that will go smoothly. So, yeah, this is a shoutout to Nick. Big up yourself. Much respect. Reprezent. All that jazz.

Here's another youtube link. There's this amazing singer called Tera Naomi, who apparently lives in L.A. (which means that Clint and Mike could theoretically go see her). Here's her song "Say It's Possible." I swear. It's almost like watching MTV back in the glory days, when they actually played videos. Anyway, I digress. I really dig her stuff. Check her out. Here's her website, too.
Want to see something funny? Go watch this video about Clell Tickle: Indie Marketing Guru over at youtube.